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As a group we've each assigned a specific role. I've been given the role of editing the meetings recorded, discussing the progress of the EP's production.


Started to record a basic structure of the song and decided what chords I'd be using throughout the track recorded a rough draft of my track for the EP. 


Began deciding what instruments could be used to accompany the acoustic guitar whilst also maintaining it as the lead.


Created the instagram account which will be used for promotional purposes closer to the release date and uploaded my biography to the Squash? webpage.


Recorded multiple takes for the guitar again, by doing this it made it possible for the final outcome to be at a higher quality and transition between chords more fluently.  


Recorded multiple takes for the guitar to ensure that I would be able to provide the highest sound quality I could, and that I could transition between chords fluently.  


Created a Decoration and Stage plan listening the required equipment that would be necessary for the live performance being recorded.


Despite editing the first couple group meetings I was unable to keep up with the recordings for each week.   


Although I wasn't performing for the live recording of the EP I attended the event to assist with setting up the cables and making sure the cables were going into the correct channels.   

Josh's Log

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